Our Core Values: Invest Yourself

The pursuit of growth is a lifelong process, and at Studio Four Design, our team members are strongly encouraged to pursue opportunities to invest in themselves professionally and personally, as well as in the lives of others.

At Studio Four Design, the second of our Core Values is “Invest Yourself.” The compelling question for our staff members is, “Am I all in with our company’s mission, vision, and goals? Am I improving myself to add value to my team, family, and community? “

Lack of forward momentum typically results in stagnation. Picture a cool, rushing mountain stream: when the water is propelled forward, the water is clear, crisp, and refreshing. That same water, when left in a motionless pool, would quickly become stagnant and polluted. The same is true for people. Consider a new college graduate who is inspired, motivated, and excited to begin their career. Without the opportunity to continue growing and learning, enthusiasm will wane, and that same individual may experience burnout in a matter of years.   

Studio Four Design is different. “Invest Yourself” is a Core Value on which our company is built, and team members are encouraged to pursue opportunities in continuing education, leadership, and more. Our team members show enthusiasm for personal growth and take initiative to develop knowledge and skills in their profession. Some have been inspired to pursue and participate in select community leadership roles that are impacting the areas where we live and work. The common denominator for all is an environment that has been cultivated to encourage team members to pursue growth and invest in the lives of others.

Whether through continuing education, on-site monthly “Lunch and Learn” opportunities, the pursuit of degrees or certifications, or roles in community leadership, our staff members are encouraged to continue investing themselves individually and professionally. When we’re growing as individuals, our team is growing better – together – and the people around us and clients will reap the benefits.


Our Core Values: Value Others


Our Core Values: Go Beyond